A series of conversations between researchers and collaborators about projects taking place at the CSAE.

The CSAE Research Podcasts series focuses on economic and social development research taking place at the CSAE.
Join our researchers and collaborating partners for behind the scenes insights into the methods and challenges of a variety of development economics projects. Find out about key results and implementation recommendations from research in a range of areas, from microfinance contracts in Pakistan, education systems in Botswana, and cash transfer programmes in refugee camps in Kenya.
You can listen to all our podcast episodes via the University of Oxford Podcasts website, Apple podcasts, or via the CSAE YouTube channel.
Bargaining through Agents: Experimental Evidence from Mexico's Labour Courts
Bargaining through Agents: Experimental Evidence from Mexico's Labour Courts
School Leadership Training in Malawi
School Leadership Training in Malawi
O-Ring Production Networks
O-Ring Production Networks
Cash Transfers and Micro-Enterprise Performance in a Refugee Camp in Kenya
Cash Transfers and Micro-Enterprise Performance in a Refugee Camp in Kenya
Locked Down and Locked Out: Repurposing Social Assistance in South Africa
Locked Down and Locked Out: Repurposing Social Assistance in South Africa
General Equilibrium Effects of Cash Transfers in Kenya (Frisch Medal Award 2024)
General Equilibrium Effects of Cash Transfers in Kenya (Frisch Medal Award 2024)
An Adaptive Targeted Field Experiment: Job Search Assistance for Refugees in Jordan
An Adaptive Targeted Field Experiment: Job Search Assistance for Refugees in Jordan
Cash Transfer Grants in South Africa During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Cash Transfer Grants in South Africa During the Covid-19 Pandemic
AI and Services-led Growth: Evidence from Indian Job Adverts
AI and Services-led Growth: Evidence from Indian Job Adverts
Anticipatory Cash Transfers in Climate Disaster Response
Anticipatory Cash Transfers in Climate Disaster Response
Building Resilient Education Systems: Evidence from Large Scale Randomised Trials in Five Countries
Building Resilient Education Systems: Evidence from Large Scale Randomised Trials in Five Countries
Applying Wise Interventions around the World
Applying Wise Interventions around the World
Strengthening Professionalism and Accountability within the Ghana Police Service using Identity, Norms and Narratives
Strengthening Professionalism and Accountability within the Ghana Police Service using Identity, Norms and Narratives
Urbanisation in China and Africa
Urbanisation in China and Africa
Under the Hood: Randomised Control Trials on Distance Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Botswana
Under the Hood: Randomised Control Trials on Distance Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Botswana
Asset-based Microfinance for Microenterprises in Pakistan