Stefan Dercon


How can academics make a difference?

Research and Policy Interests

Stefan's research interests concern what keeps some people and countries poor: the failures of markets, governments and politics, mainly in Africa, and how to achieve change.

Stefan is Director of the Economic Policy Network (EPN), a partnership between the CSAE and the Blavatnik School of Government. The EPN provides impartial, context-specific, research-informed advice to help developing country policymakers and their advisors deliver on their economic and development mandates (

He is also co-director of the Oxford Martin Programme on African Governance ( programme looks at the current realities of economic, social, and political governance challenges for sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), particularly in terms of decision-making and implementation.

Stefan is also leads the Oxford Initiative of Peace and Recovery in Ethiopia, alongside the CSAE's Christian Meyer ( This initiative aims to explore pathways to steady peace and strong, sustainable, and inclusive recovery and development in Ethiopia.

Selected Publications



  • Driving Digital Transformation: Lessons from Seven Developing Countries. Oxford University Press (p.241) 2023 (with Ndulu, B., Stuart, E. and Knaack, P.
  • Gambling on Development. Why Some Countries Win and Others Lose. Hurst, 2022.
  • Migration and Global Environmental Change, Foresight. The Government Office for Science, London, 2017 (with R. Black, N. Adger, N. Arnel, and A. Geddes - report)
  • Dull Disasters? How Planning Ahead Will Make A Difference. Oxford University Press, 2016. (with D.Clarke)
  • Insurance against Poverty. Oxford University Press, 2004. (Edited volume, 445 pages)


Selected Journal Articles


  • "Mind the gap between education policy and practice." 2024. Nature Human Behaviour. p. 1-3 (with Noam Angrist).
  • "What role for aid in countries with and without a 'development bargain"'?" 2023. Development Policy Review, p.41. A written symposium on the contribution of Gambling on Development: Why Some Countries Win and Others Lose by Stefan Dercon.
  • “Impacts of industrial and entrepreneurial jobs on youth: 5-year experimental evidence on factory job offers and cash grants in Ethiopia.” 2022. Journal of Development Economics, p.102807 (with C.Blattman and S.Franklin).
  • “Aspirations, poverty, and education. Evidence from India.” 2021. The Journal of Development Studies, 57(1), pp.163-183 (with P.Serneels)
  • “Cash transfers in adolescence: a developmental perspective.” 2020. Lancet Child and Adolescent Health, 4(3): 177-178. (with J.R. Pozuelo, A.Stein, S.J.Blakemore, K.Kahn, S.Dercon, and A. Pettifor).
  • “Has Gavi lived up to its promise? Quasi-experimental evidence on country immunisation rates and child mortality” BMJ Global Health, Dec 2019, 4 (6): e001789. (with P. Jaupart and L.Dipple).
  • "Parental Aspirations for Children's Education: Is There a "Girl Effect"? Experimental Evidence from Rural Ethiopia.” 2019. Journal of the American Economic Association, American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 109: 127-32. (with T.Bernard, K.Orkin, and A.S.Taffesse).
  • “Biased Policy Professionals”, 2019, World Bank Economic Review, July, Volume 33, Issue 2, June 2019, Pages 310–327. (with S.Banuri and V.Gauri).
  • “The impacts of industrial and entrepreneurial work on income and health: experimental evidence from Ethiopia”, 2018, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 10(3):1-38. (with C.Blattman).
  • “Small price incentives increase women’s access to land titles Tanzania”, 2016, Journal of Development Economics, 123, (2016), pp.107-122. (with D.A. Ali, M.Collin, K.Deininger, J.Sandefur and A.Zeitlin).
  • “Focus on environmental risks and migration: Causes and consequences”, 2015, Environmental Research Letters, Vol. 10 (6). (with N.Adger, N.W.Arnell, R.Black, A.Geddes and D.S.G.Thomas)
  • “Live Aid Revisited: Long-term impacts of the 1984 Ethiopian famine on children”, 2014, Journal of the European Economic Association, 12(4): pp. 927-48. (with C.Porter)
  • "Aid and Agency in Africa: Explaining Food Disbursements Across Ethiopian Households 1994-2004", 2014, Journal of Development Economics, (with N. Broussard and R. Somanathan)  
  • "Agriculture in African Development: A Review of Theories and Strategies”, 2014, Annual Review of Resource Economics, Vol. 6, pp. 471-92. (with D.Gollin)
  • "Is Green Growth good for the Poor?", 2014, World Bank Research Observer, 29:2, Pages 163–185.
  • ”Offering rainfall insurance to informal insurance groups: Evidence from a field experiment in Ethiopia”, 2014, Journal of Development Economics, 106, pp 132-143. (with R.V.Hill, D.Clarke, I.Outes-Leon, A.Seyoum Taffesse).
  • “School Meals as a Safety Net: An Evaluation of the Midday Meal Scheme in India” 2014, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 62(2), pp 275-306. (with A. Singh and A. Park)   
  • “Vulnerability to individual and aggregate poverty”, 2013, Social Choice and Welfare, 41 (4), pp. 721-740 (with C. Calvo).
  • "School Inputs, Household Substitution, and Test Scores," 2013,  American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 5(2), 2013, pp. 29-57. (with J. Das, J. Habyarimana, P.Krishnan, K.Muralidharan and V. Sundararaman)  
  • "Political Connections and Social Networks in Targeted Transfer Programmes: Evidence from Rural Ethiopia," 2011, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 60(4), pp. 639 – 675. (with B.Caeyers).
  • "Migration and Economic Mobility in Tanzania: Evidence from a Tracking Survey" 2011, Review of Economics and Statistics, August, 93: 1010-1033. (with K.Beegle and J. De Weerdt).
  • "Consumption risk, technology adoption, and poverty traps: evidence from Ethiopia,"  2011, Journal of Development Economics, 96(2): 159-173. (with L.Christiaensen).
  • “The effect of environmental change on human migration”, 2011, Global Environmental Change, 21, pp.S3-S11. (with R. Black, W.N.Adger, N.W.Arnell, A.Geddes and D.Thomas)
  • “Orphanhood and human capital destruction : is there persistence into adulthood?”, 2010,  Demography, Vol.47, No.1, February 2010, pp. 163-180. (with K.Beegle and J. De Weerdt).
  • "The Impact of Agricultural Extension and Roads on Poverty and Consumption Growth in Fifteen Ethiopian Villages," 2009, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 91(4), pp 1007-1021, November. (with D.Gilligan, J.Hoddinott and T.Woldehanna).
  • ”Rural Poverty: Old Challenges in New Contexts”, 2009, World Bank Research Observer vol. 24: Spring, pp. 1-28
  •  “Adult Mortality and Consumption Growth in Tanzania”, 2008, Economic Development and Cultural Change, vol 56, 2 pp. 299- 326.  (with K.Beegle and J.De Weerdt).
  • “Teacher Shocks and Student Learning”, 2007, Journal of Human Resources, Fall, Volume 42, Issue 4. (with J.Das, J.Habyarimana and P.Krishnan).
  •  “Orphanhood and the Long-Run Impact on Children”, 2006, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 88, no.5, pp 1266-1272. , (with K.Beegle and J.De Weerdt)
  • "Risk-Sharing Networks and Insurance Against Illness", 2006, Journal of Development Economics, vol. 81, no. 2, pp. 337-356. (with J.De Weerdt),
  • "Economic reform, Growth and the Poor: Evidence from Rural Ethiopia", 2006, Journal of Development Economics, vol. 81, issue 1, pp.1-24.
  • "Growth and Shocks: evidence from Rural Ethiopia", 2004, Journal of Development Economics, August, vol 74 (2), pp. 309-29.  
  • “Risk-Sharing and Public Transfers”, 2003, Economic Journal (with P.Krishnan), March, C86-C94.
  • “Density versus Quality in Social Sector Provision: The Use of Household Data for Budgetary Choices in Ethiopia”, 2003, World Bank Economic Review (with P.Collier and J.Mackinnon),  pp.425-448
  • “Income Risk, Coping Strategies and Safety Nets”, 2002, World Bank Research Observer,  December, Vol. 17 (2), pp. 141-66.
  • “In Sickness and in Health: Risk-sharing within households in rural Ethiopia”, 2000, Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 108, No.4, August, pp.688-727 (with P.Krishnan).
  • “Wealth, Risk and Activity Choice: Cattle in Western Tanzania”, 1998, Journal of Development Economics, February, vol.55, pp.1-42.
  • “Risk, Crop Choice and Savings : Evidence from Tanzania”, 1996, Economic Development and Cultural Change, vol. 44, no. 3, April, pp. 485-514.