Oxford Digital Public Infrastructure Research Lab (OxDPI) will investigate the impacts of Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) on inclusion and wellbeing in low- and middle-income countries.


Digital Public Infrastructure refers to foundational digital systems like identification (similar to India’s Aadhaar system), payment platforms, and data exchange mechanisms crucial for service access and economic participation. This initiative aims to understand the impact of Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) on inclusion and the wellbeing of populations in countries where it is being deployed. This includes examining how DPI affects various sectors and societal outcomes, such as financial access, social protection, and refugee integration.

Building on previous efforts by the University's Digital Pathways at Oxford and the Pathways for Prosperity Commission, which examined the challenges of digital transformation and governance in low- and middle-income countries, this new lab extends that work, focusing specifically on the implementation and impact of DPI.

The lab is based at the Centre for the Study of African Economies (CSAE) at the Blavatnik School of Government, and will involve researchers from across the University and actively engage with researchers in Ethiopia. The lab is co-directed by Professor Stefan Dercon (Blavatnik School of Government and Department of Economics) and Dr Christian Meyer (Oxford Martin School).


The initial focus will be Ethiopia's Fayda system, a digital ID initiative aiming to register all residents by 2026. Through a dedicated research platform called Fayda.Lab, established as a collaboration between the World Bank's Identification for Development (ID4D) and Development Impact Group (DIME), the project will coordinate research efforts between the Ethiopian government, the World Bank, and Ethiopian and international researchers

Fayda.Lab will act as a liaison supporting the Ethiopian government's National ID Authority (NIDP) and other relevant bodies to facilitate and bundle research efforts,Working closely with NIDP, it will help design the DPI roll-out to enable rigorous evaluation. Through rapid feedback mechanisms and coordination of mixed Ethiopian and international research teams. Fayda.Lab aims to inform government implementation decisions whilst building a robust evidence base for DPI deployment in low- and middle-income country contexts.


Funders and Associations

Fayda.Lab logo with World Bank Group, ID4D, DIME, and CSAE logos together
World Bank logo
Oxford Martin School logo next to University of Oxford logo



Stefan Dercon
Christian Meyer